We've been working like crazy behind the scenes to build new features and improve user experience across the board, and we're STOKED to share our progress with you. Here's what's new in Actual:

✔ Improved Calculation Speed
✔ Granular User Permissions (Including Limited Views of PO's & Budgets)
✔ Detail View
✔ Budget Locks
✔ General Ledger Export


Want to lock in an awarded bid and prevent accidental edits? No problem!

  1. Select the menu button in the header of the phase you'd like to lock.
  2. Click the lock icon
  3. That's it.


Looking for a top down view of all transactions within a budget? Our detail table provides you with the functionality to review all transactions, sort, and filter information for custom reporting.


Downloading detailed reports is easier than ever with our new detail export.

Here's how to download reports:

  • Select Export
  • Select the Report Type (CSV - PDF)
  • Choose the data set you'd like to download (all data, or a filtered selection of data)
  • Confirm the columns you'd like to include within the export.
  • Lastly, choose how you'd like to sort the information.


Collaborate with members across your team with custom user roles.

Invite Users to your project, and select unique permissions, including:

  • Issuing & Manage Payment Cards
  • Create Purchase Orders
  • Sign Purchase Orders
  • Issue ACH Payments
  • Manage Budgets
  • Limit Visibility into Budgets (select versions or sections)

Looking to learn more about Actual? Reach out and let us know how we can help!